Wednesday, April 27, 2011

37. [Contest] Gambar Desktop Lappy

Berblogwalking kat blog Cik Nelly and terbaca entri pasal contest ni :)))
Contest ni dianjurkan oleh Cik Gugu

Monday, April 18, 2011

36. Happy Birthday

Entry ke-36 untuk 2011 ni, special for my best friend dari kecik sampai remaja, melangkah pulak ke alam dewasa & insyaALLAH untuk selama-lamanya :)

Epa, happy 23rd birthday!
Thanks sebab sentiasa ada dengan aku masa aku senang, masa aku sedih, masa aku susah, masa aku senang.
Yang penting, mue tak pernah lupa aku walaupun masing2 dah ada haluan sendiri.
Aku saaaaaaaaayang mue, Paa. Mue la sahabat aku selama-lamanya.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

35. Ketibaan

Alhamdulillah. Selamat tiba kat kampung halaman tercinta Bachok, Kelantan.

Masa untuk bermalas-malasan kat rumah!
Masa untuk makan masakan Maa!
Masa untuk minum air nyor Abah kait!
Masa untuk membuli Molasso!
Masa untuk suruh AbeLie beli makanan pasar malam!

Masa untuk guling2, sembur2 dengan Alya!
dan yang penting,
Masa untuk online 24-7!

Mwahaha :D

34. 16 hari bulan 4

16hb 2011.
Hoyeah! Balik jam 3.50pm!
Tak sabar2!
Sambil tu, sesi terakhir packing2 beg, barang. Kot2 la ada yang tertinggal kang, tak pasal2.
Yang pasti Sam awal2 lagi aku letak dia dalam kotak. Bukan apa, takut la nak guna tempat ramai2. Segan pun ada. Ehee~

Hari ni, genap 30 tahun usia perkahwinan Maa & Abah! Happy 30th anniversary, Maa, Abah! We looooooooooooooooooooooove you <3

Dan juga,
birthday kawan aku, Mierah! Happy birthday, babe.

Friday, April 15, 2011

33. Goodbye Final Exam, Hello Holiday


Tadi, merupakan paper last untuk Final Exam untuk semester 2 sesi 2010/2011 ni. Alhamdulillah, untuk final exam semester ni takdela rasa  beban tu berat sangat. Ok-Ok. Boleh deal lagi. Masih boleh senyum lagi ^__^

Esok, 16hb destinasi aku ke kampung halaman di Bachok, Kelantan. Seronok! Seronok! Dah lama tak balik. Hari-hari nangis rindu rumah (Ok, tipu!). Dah hampir 5 tahun kat KL, masih homesick. Err, normalkan? Sah-sah la aku tak boleh belajar kat oversea. (Huhh, memang tak layak pon sebenarnya.. Tskk~)

Ok, nak plan cuti ni nak buat apa..

See ya..
Take care..

32. Sam Saya Punye!

...Sambungan entry ni.

Date : 12nd April 2011
Time : Around 7.02pm

♬ Ringtone phone 

Caller : Hello. May I speak to Miss Izzati Ahmad?

Me : Yes. I'm Izzati. May I ask who's speaking?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

31. Distance

Distance never separates hearts that really care,
for our memories span the miles and in seconds we are there.

Ughhh miss my family muchymuch. Cakap phone pon rasa macam nak nangis je. Sabar ye duhai hati. Lagi beberapa hari je. Sudah! Sambung study!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

30. Tak Percaya!

Dapat call dari someone tadi.
Terketar-ketar tangan aku.
Sekarang pun masih aku tak percaya. Nak suruh roomate aku cubit, kang aku cubit dia balik. Haha..

Senyum tak stop lagi ni! Waras lagi ke aku? Haha :D be continued

29. Memories

Cherish the moments with your loved ones.
Make plenty of memories.
Resolve all differences.
You never know when it will be over.

Monday, April 11, 2011

28. Lessons

There's some things I regret
Some words that should've gone unsaid
Some mistakes I made
Some roads I never should've taken
But there were lessons learned.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

27. Strong, Alive, Wise & Laugh

I am strong because I know my weaknesses.
I'm alive because I'm a fighter.
I am wise because I've been foolish.
I laugh because I've known sadness.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

26. Tabah

A strong person is not one who doesn't cry.
A strong person is one who is quiet and sheds tears for a moment,
and then picks up her sword and fights again.

Friday, April 8, 2011

25. Be Careful

Be careful who you give your heart to,
because there are people out there who doesn't know what to do with it.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

24. Bersyukurlah

Just when you think you have it bad, take a look around.
There is someone out there that wishes they had your life.
Be thankful for what you have and be blessed.

-Status Shuffle-

Jangan selalu mengeluh. Allah tak suka hambaNYA mengeluh. Cuba belajar bersyukur. Ok geng?

23. Persetankan Mereka Semua! :D

You can't control what people say about you
but you can control how you react.
So let them talk,
keep your head held high
....know that you are the better person!

-Status Shuffle-

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

22. Senyum :)

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