Monday, October 24, 2011

55. Jom Shopping Online!

Yeah shopping online..! Antara aktiviti yang menyebabkan duit aku mengalir laju macam air kat empangan pecah. Juga merupakan aktiviti yang buat aku dah jadi malas nak shopping kat JayaJusco Alpha Angle, Carrefour, Giant Batu Caves, Billion, dan sewaktu dengannya. Sorry, tapi KB Mall, MidValley, Sogo, KLCC, Pavillion, Alamanda gua tak layan beb. Bhahaha :D

Kenapa aku prefer online shopping?

Thursday, October 6, 2011

54. RIP Steve Jobs

Jobs passed away at the age of 56. Jobs is survived by his wife Laurene and two children, as well as a daughter from a previous relationship. The family of former Apple chief executive Steve Jobs said that he died "peacefully" on Wednesday, surrounded by his family. A memorial Web site will be posted.

On August 24, Jobs stepped down, stating that he could no longer meet his duties and expectations as Apple's chief executive. Jobs was diagnosed with and treated for a rare type of pancreatic cancer in 2004, but he said the 2009 absence was not a resurgence of that cancer. He took a medical leave of absence in January.

In a statement, Jobs' family said he died peacefully.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

53. Akhirnya

1st year:
Weh, jom gi Genting Highlands. Awal2 ni la kena pegi. Tak busy lagi, kan?
Tup-tup : Cancel

2nd year:
Sem ni kena pegi jugak Genting! Plan 1st year aritu tak jadi!
Tup-tup : Cancel jugak -_-'

3rd year:
Weh, kita dah masuk 3rd year ni. Jomla gi Genting awal2 sem. Kang tak jadi macam aritu. Sedih weh~
Tup-tup: Geget jari

4th year:
Kawan-kawan, kita dah final sem! Bila nak gi Genting ni? Gini-gini, kita tak payah plan, hari Jumaat terus pergi. OK Settttt!


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