Friday, February 26, 2010


"Bukanlah aku sengaja
Melindungi rasa di jiwa
Namun bimbang diri kan terleka
Hanyut dibuai angan dan mimpi indah
Hingga terabai segala cita
Sedang khayalan tak menjanjikan
Segunung kebahagiaan
Sebagai mahar hantaran"

- Mahar Cinta (Devotees)-

p/s: One of the nasyeed song that I love. Beautiful, nice song ^_^

Thursday, February 25, 2010

[Tutorial] Perfect Skin Solution

My 1st tutorial ^_^

1) Open image. Mine from stylin291@flickr

2) Duplicate layer or tekan Ctrl+J. You'll have 2 layers now.
-We will use the duplicated layer for the next steps-

3) Then click Filter->Noise->Dust & Scratches. Set Threshold 0, and Radius for this image is less than 9. You can still adjust with your own preference ^_^. Click OK.

4) Next, click Filter->Blur->Gaussian Blur, and choose something between 2-5 (or secukup rasa - AGAIN ^_^). Satisfied? Click OK

5) Then you will turn on layer mask for this image. Go to Layer->Layer Mask->Reveal All.

6) Click Ctrl+I to Inverse. Click at the mask-icon (next to layer-thumbnail @ the highlighted one). You can see that the blurring is now gone. (It's masked actually, not really gone..telah d'topengkan..lolx)

7) Finally, take small size Brush tool. Choose the color white (kalau mask korang putih, choose black). Start painting all over the face (ingat, jgn kena mata @ hidung @ mulut. Just skin - mcm nk guna ubat sapu..lolx.).

The blurred layer will now become visible over the part you paint.

Final Result:

p/s: Jessica Alba mmg super cun ah (^o=)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Aku Budak BBA


"Eh, lama x jmp.. Study mana skarang?"


"Oh, UIA Gombak? Cos apa? Engineering?"

"Tak laa.. BBA - Business Administration"

"Bisnes? Nak KERJA apa la nnt.."


Statement yg selalu aku dengar everytime aku bagitahu course yg aku amek.

BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (Pentadbiran Perniagaan)

Mcm tak best kan? Yelaa.. Course x gempak macam org lain.. Engineering, Medic, Pharmacy, Law, bla3...
Ni Business Admin.. Apa classsssss? Kan3...

Tapi, tahukah anda....?
"Students graduating with a Bachelor of Business Administration have broad career prospects in the fields of Insurance, Stock Broking, Banks and other related fields. These include being Assistant Managers, Operations Executives, Claims Executives, Evaluators, Investment Analysts, Financial Analysts, Remisers, Corporate Banking Executives, Corporate Finance Executives, Money-market Executives, Retailing Executives, Academicians, etc."

Helllo~ Kalau semua org nk jadi doctor & etc, then siapa nk jadi financial analysts & yg sewaktu dgnnya, kan?


p/s: Siapa ckp budak BBA xde kerja bila dah grad?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Untitled v2

Dear Epa,

Okie! nxt week ak mimpi org laen pulok.. d other week ore laen pulok..n begitulah untuk minggu2 yg seterusny..lolx..

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Wanna share something here. Maybe ada yang dh tau @ yg x tahu @ yg buat2 x tahu jenis RAM yg dh t'install dalam laptop. RAM kan ada banyak jenis, DDR1, DDR2, or whatsoever it is. Kalau nk tau, masuk website Crucial ni. Bukan je boleh detect jenis RAM, tapi siap merecommend brapa RAM yg boleh d'tambah.

Screenshots below:
(Click to enlarge)

p/s: Selain dari Crucial Scan nh, other forumers suggest gune CPU-Z..

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