Saturday, March 21, 2009


yayy3~!! final leadership da abih~ final ubs pn da setel~ diriku sgt bhgia..mwahahaa~tp arini ak ad 2 finals..UBS & leadership..UBS kol 930-1200, so ak pegi aa UBS dulu.. leadership dlm kol 12 lbeh ak pn kuar awl aa sket UBS tuh.. tau x? ak msuk lmbt tym final presntation tuh~ glabah gile..ak da smpai awl sbnrnye, tp ad hal yg prlu dsetelkn kt lvl bwh,so ak & xue (group ktorg sume ad 9 org..6 brothers & 3 sisters) turun aa jap.. xtao lak grup ak first..lam kol 12.03 (lbeh krg), ktorg dgn bhgia n rileknye kuar lif nk g venue..smpai tmpat tu,

"aikk???mne dorg sume nh?"

..then ad sorg sister tu ckp

"korg wt charity,kn?grup korg da msuk..cpt~!!"

ak pe lg..tros aa ngan muke glabah msuk claz tuh.. pastu sorg evaluater@judge@pape je laa korg pnggey tny ktorg,

"are u sure u're in the right group?"

"yes..sorry..we're late"

tym ak msuk tu, leader ngah ckp sal intro..yess~seb baek x smpai turn ak ag..alamakk! ila plak x msuk ag..ak,ila & xue satu grup presentation & satu session utk final UBS tuh..dy kua lmbt kot..ak & xue kua awl sket.. abeh je leadr bg intro, dy tny (slow2)

"korg ad xm ke?"

"a'ah..ila x kua ag kot"

"korg presnt utk dy la.."

aiyaakk~dgn otomatiknye ak pass kt xue..gagagaa..sian xue..

lbeh krg 6.7 minit pastu ila bru smpai..muke chuak+glabah+pucat giilee..sian ila..tym ddk kt tepi ak muke cm nk nangis..sabar ila~sabar..ila nye part xue da tlg presnt..

abeh sesi presnt&soal jwb ngan judges tuh,ktorg kuar ngan muka lega&bsalah..lega cz da setel n bsalah cz lmbt smpai (tkot affect marks je nnt..sian lak dorg..uwaa)~tp ak rse insyaALLAH ok kot cz judges tu mcm ok je ak tgk..harap2 laa~

kuar je claz ila disoal siasat oleh sir mpawenimana..maybe tny npe lmbt kot..pastu dy tny ak lak npe x gtao dy ktorg ad xm sblm tu..ak jz angkt bahu je laa..xtau nk ckp pe.hurmm~

bgitulaa cite ak utk arini..kalut seb baeklaa judges ngan ak tu ok..kalo x kompem kene bebel..heee~

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My Beautiful Friend

"Taken From"

You made me laugh when I cried so hard
You gave me bracelets to cover my scars

You held me close when I was so cold

You offered a comforting hand to hold

You picked me up whenever I fell

You showed me heaven when I was blinded by hell

You answered my calls in the darkened night

You gave me the reasons to hold on and figh
You rescued me when I was drowning in pain

You placed me back on the right path again

You loved me forever and stayed by my side

You entered my heart as an angel to guide

You may not be with me so much anymore

But I know you will leave open a beckoning door

I miss you so much but I'll fight till the end

I love you so much my Bestest friends.

1 Done,3 To Go

Ho0ho~setel sudaa proposal utk leadership..abeh sudaa 1 keje yg memenatkn hotak ku (pnat ke??hua3), kne present laa pulak..adess~ (O_0) td ak tpkse tblkn muke tym g amek krts quiz & midterm ngan Sir Karnal..x pasal2 kne bebel cz 2nd quiz rndh..Seriously, ak cm xde mo0d wt Quiz tu (nk2 pas ak trime brite sdeh tu..uwaa3~).. sir suke-suki je wt quiz pas 2nd test..mmg aa soaln quiz tu chaptrny sme ngan test tu,tp da ak mindsetkn otakku nk balik kol 10,then titibe ad quiz mmg ak cm da malas aa nk jwb..sorry sir..huwaa3~

esk ad quiz fiqh~~!!dh aa ak xstdy pe ag nh..tasmi' pn x abih ag..haisshh..dh aa ustaz tu suke je cri psl ngn studnt..ukan marah2 studnt,tp sng cite nyakat aa..ak gne pmadam staedtler yg 30sen tuh pn dy jdkn ke ptot dy gelakkn ak n tny "ad ag ke org pkai pmdam nh?" Ak pn jwb aa, "Dh dorg jual kt kdai,sy beli aa.." hahaa..ustaz2~

okeshh..ak na stdy fiqh laa sket (xkn nk tiru org je kje..kn3..kikiki)

~annyonghi gyeseyo~

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Akhirnye...SUJU da wt comeback! Teruja~~Hahaha...

Friday, March 13, 2009


yay3~!! lg lbeh krg 3 mggu sem nh na abeh..n aiyarkk~~sng cite final da nk dkt laa nh.. hakdoii~ak xphm laa nape lecturer2 nh suke sgt sowh anta esemen last2 sem..kalu jez taip,n submit tadak hal laa...nh nk kene present ag..dh aa presentation nh mmg FEVRET ak..ak suke presentation~~mwahaha..

ak x phm npe leadership tu byk keje?kne wt proposal la,then present..crdit hour jz 0.5 keje ngalahkn crdit hr 3..xpaham~musykil~konpius..s'mata2 nk menensenkn student ke aa..?? ughh~~bile tensen ak nk abeh nh..otok~~otok~~

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Arini sy rajen~~

rjen nye dak tuh~~ujan2 pn g claz..x caye~gagaa..knapekah arini sy jd rjen?
  • g claz mktg (ujan lbt kot td..)
  • anta soklan cm (sptotny smlm kna least anta gak,kn3..)

"ak ksorgan arini tnpa amal,ana,ila,xue d sisi..hwa3.."

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Sometimes when ppl come into our life, and we know rite away that they were meant to be there to give some sort of purpose, teach lessons & help figure out who we are and what we want to become.. Maybe we never know who these ppl are, but we know that at the very moment we look straight in their eyes, they will affect us in some thoughtful way (^^)

And sometimes things happen to us at the time that may seem horrible, painful and unfair, but in reflection we realize dat without overcoming those obstacles we would never realize our potential and will power of heart (,")

Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of luck. Illness, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test limits of our soul (^o^)

The ppl we meet affect our life. The successes n downfalls dat we experience can create whom we are, n the bad experiences can be learned from. In fact they are probably the most poignant and important ones. If sum1 hurts us, or breaks our heart, forgive them bcuz from them we have learned about trust n importance of being cautios to whom we open our heart. (o_0)

If sum1 loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only bcuz they love you, but also because they are teaching you to love n open your heart n eyes to little things. Make every day count. Appreciate everything that you possibly can, for you may never experience it again. @>--

Monday, March 2, 2009


SELAIN mengumpat, satu daripada bencana yang dilakukan oleh lidah manusia ialah gurauan. Termasuk dalam istilah gurauan ini ialah kelakar, melawak, olok-olok dan berjenaka. Abdus Samad Falembani dalam kitab Hidayatus Salikin menyebut gurauan sebagai 'al-mizah'.

Beliau membawa hadis Rasulullah yang bermaksud; "Jangan engkau bantahi saudaramu dan jangan engkau perguraukan dia." (Hidayatus Salikin: 170). Menurut Imam al-Ghazali, bergurau itu ditegah syarak kerana ia membawa kepada banyak tertawa.

Banyak tertawa itu mematikan hati dan boleh 'menanggalkan' hati. Paling dahsyat, menurut beliau, ia boleh membawa atau mendorong kepada perbuatan derhaka. Ini berdasarkan hadis Rasulullah yang bermaksud; "Seseorang lelaki yang berkata dengan suatu perkataan supaya rakannya tertawa maka dia dijatuhkan ke dalam neraka selama 70 tahun." Imam Ghazali menasihatkan supaya manusia menjaga lidahnya daripada berkata-kata untuk menimbulkan gelak ketawa.

Kata-kata gurau senda sebenarnya boleh menghilangkan malu seseorang. Ini kerana dalam mencari bahan ketawa, manusia sanggup membuat cerita bohong dan tidak munasabah. Untuk mereka-reka bahan lucu, mereka membuat cerita yang ganjil dan tidak masuk akal dan kebanyakannya cerita dusta. Inilah puncanya orang yang membuat kelakar boleh hilang malu. Pada hakikatnya malu senjata orang beriman. Malu adalah alamat atau tanda orang yang beriman.

Yang paling mengaibkan, sebahagian daripada kita suka membawa cerita lucah atau separuh lucah dalam perkataan semata-mata untuk menimbulkan gelak ketawa orang lain. Rasulullah bersabda bermaksud; "Malu adalah cabang daripada iman." Dalam sabda lain, baginda menyatakan; "Malu dan iman seganding. Apabila terangkat salah satu daripadanya maka terangkatlah kedua-duanya." Dapat difahami daripada hadis ini, jika seseorang itu hilang perasaan malu daripada dirinya maka hilang jugalah imannya.

Namun begitu, bergurau ala kadar dibolehkan. Bagi sesetengah orang yang tidak tahan bergurau mungkin menimbulkan persengketaan atau perkelahian. Maka ini bertentangan dengan kehendak Islam. Firman Allah bermaksud; "Sesungguhnya orang beriman itu adalah bersaudara maka perbaikilah hubungan antara kedua-duanya." (al-Hujurat: 11). Justeru, elakkanlah bergurau, bersenda melampaui batas perasaan atau pemikiran rasional supaya ukhuwah sesama kita tetap terpelihara.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Ku-Lin & Tag nye


What have you been doing recently?
::maen game + study (konon2 7minit je)::

Do you ever turn your cell phone off?

What happened at 10am today?
::bru bgn tdow..ngehehee::

When did you last cry?

Believe in fate/destiny?
::absolutely..pcaye qada' & qadar::

What do you want in your life now?
::success + happiness + keje skolah sket::

Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up your hood?
2-2 x penah..redah je::

What’s your favourite thing to do on the bed?
::maen PSP + dgr mp3::

What bottoms are you wearing now?
::suar laa..hahaa::

What’s the nicest things in your inbox?
::msg2 dr kawan2ku..::

Do you tend to make the relationship complicated?

Are you wearing anything borrowed from anyone?
::tidakk..semue hak milik diriku::

What was the last movie you caught?

What are you proud of?
::family..lebiuuuu mwahxx::

What does the oldest text msg in your inbox say?
clcm or mxs??
"Mue jgn slok pntu luar.Aku nk blk pahni." drpd:AbeLie::

What was the last song you sang out loud?
GEE by ak tau part gee gee gee gee baby baby baby je..hehee..::

Do you have any nicknames?
~ati (abh + maa panggey)
~izad (nh mirah kecik anggey)
~mek (kdg2 ana,amal panggey ak gni)
~izzah (Mpawenimana Abdallah Saidi..sesuke ati je panggey ak izzah)

What does the newest text say and from who?
"ooh..ok ah,hehe.. sender:wani saem wani"::

What time did you go to bed last night?
11:34pm mlm sblm tu xtdow lngsung!::

Are you currently happy?
::yess pk nk balik umah..ngehehe::

Who gives you the best advise?
::parents ku yg tersayang..~~::

Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
::xpenah mkn kot..::

Who did you talk on the phone last night?
::tade sape nk col diriku::

Is something bugging you now?
::assignment + quiz CM..bile nk abeh..??uwaaa::

Who was the last person to make you laugh?

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